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Career Package Free of Charge
Get your Dream Job in No-Time. You Deserve It.
Career PackageCV Writing for Maximum Impact (29,95)
This guide is the one-stop shop to transform your CV into a powerful, holistic masterpiece. It goes in-depth about how to be extremely specific about the job and it covers all aspects of the CV.
CV Writing for Maximum Impact covers why your CV isn’t about you. You’ll focus on the crucial aspects and benefits to the employer and make sure they will notice you!
Learn how to design the thoughs of the recruiter within 15 seconds to make the right first impression!
Career PackageGet access to the hidden job market (39,95)
This guide contains a major study on shifting from the high-competitive online job market to the low-competitive hidden job market: get your dream job before it is even on the market!
The thing is… The current system is a passive method. After sending your CV, the initiative is out of your hands and you’re relying on someone else! This guide will help you to take control of the process.
I will be fair to you: it is not for everyone. But for the ones that feel comfortable using the strategies, this will be worth its weight in gold.
It also includes quick strategies on how to expand your network to 40.000 (no, that's not a typo), how to use linked-in to your advantage and how to make you instantly perceived credible using the Sinatra Test.
Career PackageConvincing Cover Letter Outline (9,95)
A quick cheat sheet that will help you to make your cover letter irresistible (even with the recruiter getting 150 emails per day on average!).
What you can expect are two step-by-step explanations for 2 totally different cover letters (depending on your personality) that the recruiter can’t ignore.
Career PackageMastering Job Interviews (39,95)
For most people, the job interview is unfamiliar territory. Going to the dentist, making an exam, having the driving test, going to an application interview; they all provoke the same predictable reaction: a slight feeling of anxiety and the hope that it will be over soon.
You are in front of hiring managers that are asking a bunch of questions about your history and personality. How can you possibly prepare for this?
Fortunately, there are some strategies that will give you the ability to nail the interview. And if there’s a strategy, you can master it!