7 original ways to apply for a job
Are you ready to shake up your job hunt?
It’s time to ditch the standard CV and try something else that will get you noticed!
Whether it’s a video introduction, a customised website, or even a guerrilla marketing stunt, here are seven clever ways that candidates used to make sure their application stood out.
With hundreds of competitors for every role, it’s time to show your future boss that you’re not just another face in the crowd. Let’s get creative and get inspired by the seven success stories below!
1. Video application – Leila Hassan
Leila Hassan is a marketing professional and she created a 2-minute video. In this short video she introduced herself, outlined her past campaigns, and highlighted how her digital marketing strategies could increase the online presence of the company she was applying to.
She shared the video via a link in her cover letter, providing a personal touch that set her apart. The recruiter called her to compliment her on her video and invited her for a personal interview. She ended up getting the job.
2. Personal application website or portfolio – James Hill
Graphic designer James Hill saw a job advert that really interested him. He was very determined to get that job so he built a sleek personal website showcasing his portfolio, including animations and interactive elements.
On his homepage, he included a section titled "Why I want to work for company X”, where he personalised his skills to the job role. He made sure that the website’s design mirrored the company’s branding, showing he had done his homework. All his dedication definitely paid off and James got the job.
3. Inspired by the company – Riya Patel
Another original way to apply for a job comes from Riya Patel, who is an aspiring product manager. She researched a tech company she was interested in and tailored her CV and cover letter to match the company’s minimalist design and values.
She used the company's colour palette and structure in her documents, subtly showing she understands their brand identity. By treating her CV as a ‘product’ that she ‘managed’ very well, she showed the exact skills the company was looking for.
4. Unique CV format – David Miller
David Miller is a data analyst. To get the job he desired he created an infographic CV that highlights his skills in data visualisation.
He used charts and graphs to display his hard achievements, such as "Improved customer retention by 15%" or "Reduced operational costs by 10%." In a colourful overview this format showcased both his accomplishments and his ability to communicate data effectively. Be like David and use one of our numerous CV templates to make a CV that’s solid as a rock and a perfect fit for the job.
5. Send a ‘work proposal’ – Aisha Zhang
As an HR professional herself, Aisha Zhang knew very well how important it is to make an effort to rise above the crowd. To make sure she drew extra attention to her application, she sent a very detailed work proposal along with it. In this work proposal, she outlined a strategy to improve the company's employee onboarding process, based on her past experience.
This proactive approach showed that Aisha is already thinking of how to add value from day one. You can imagine the company was very happy to hire such a great professional who proved that action speaks louder than words.
6. Guerilla application –Tom Evans
If you work in advertising, you know you always have to come up with something new and something special. Tom Evans, who is an advertising specialist, therefore created a small guerrilla campaign by placing customised flyers in coffee shops near the company’s office with a witty tagline: "Looking for the next big idea? It’s me, Tom."
He included a link to a portfolio website where he showcased his creative advertising campaigns, gaining attention in a memorable way. It’s no surprise Tom got the job.
7. LinkedIn video/story – Haruto Nakamura
Haruto Nakamura is a social media manager and he used LinkedIn to post a short video introducing himself and explaining his passion for the role he’s applying for. He tagged the company and relevant individuals in the post, engaging his network by asking them to share the video.
This method not only broadened his exposure but also demonstrated his skill in using social media to create engagement. Soon after he got hired he became the head of the Social Media Department.
One action of last resort...
So, there you have it, seven ways to turn your job application from ‘meh’ to memorable. Whether you’re filming, designing, or going full-on guerrilla, these original ideas to apply for a job will help you stand out.
Oh, and of course you need to make sure your CV is a perfect fit to the job and you’re good to go!
And if all else fails, just send chocolate to the company. Because who can resist that?

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