Secret CV Tools | Get the tools I use to make CV's highly effective.

Winning CV in one Evening

Learn how top performers ace their job applications and become part of the top 2%
You and I both know that the job market can be hard…
I mean… how many CVs have you sent? 50… 100? Resulting in what… 2 job interviews?
How about flipping that around? Get 100 interviews using just 2 highly effective CVs!
Get Secret CV Tools Now

The Ugly Truth You Need To Know...

Major problems in the recruitment system are killing your current job applications...
Today, duplicating your CV is as easy as copy and paste, which is why everybody is doing this…
According to research, around 100 candidates apply for every job offer.

You have to survive this first phase purely based on the first impression.

You have to impress within 20 seconds or you are gone.
How can you possibly improve your CV when nobody is telling what you are doing WRONG?
The only thing you actually know is that it doesn’t work!

You think you are doing everything you can. Even applying to more applications doesn't help you further while your frustrations get worse.

CV writing for Maximum Impact will tell you exactly what to do.
THE ‘best CV format’ does not exist. Everyone is in a different position and thus requires an optimised approach based on specific type of work, skill set and experience.

Following well-intentioned advice that isn't relevant for you will only weaken your position.

Just follow the CV blueprint, guiding you through your optimal CV format step-by-step.

Discover What The Minority Does Differently...

While the majority has a hard time finding a job, the minority get opportunity after opportunity
Think your qualifications will get you there?
I spent the last 2 years uncovering the formula behind a successful CV. One of my surprising outcomes is that your experience and qualifications are actually not that decisive… it is all about your approach.

Meaning… even without great qualifications, you can outperform 98% of your competitors by writing your CV differently.

Use the psychology of recruiters in your favour

Outperform your competition using my reverse-engineered recruiter blueprint
Secret CV Tools
CV Writing for Maximum Impact (PDF)

Most people have a hard time writing their CV. They struggle with the format, list all job responsibilities they remember and send their (too) general CV to the recruiter. They write their CV in their own mindset, thinking that their qualifications will get them there...

But here's the thing... It are NOT the candidates with the best qualifications that get hired. It are the candidates with the best CVs.

The sole purpose of your CV is to communicate to the recruiter why you are the perfect fit for THEM. Everything else is irrelevant.

This short, 29-page guide is packed with effective strategies and best practices that will impress the recruiter immediately, (almost) guaranteeing your job interview.

Write your CV exactly on what the recruiter wants to read instead of what you want to tell.

Implement clever action words that will make your statements WAY more powerful.

Use your education descriptions to PROVE that you possess the right knowledge.

Implement personal interest strategically, providing EVIDENCE of much-desired abilities.

Much, much more... Invest one evening and you will be able to literally CHOOSE your job.

Time investment: ca 1 hour.Worth: 27,95.

Secret CV Tools
The Tools I use to make CVs Highly Effective (PDF)

After looking at your CV for just 5 seconds, the recruiter has to remember you the way you WANT him to remember you. Which, of course, should be aligned with what the company needs.

In other words... you have to PLAN what the recruiter will think about you after first sight. It has to be specific and it has to be aligned with the solution to their problem.

Would it help having a blueprint that would guide you through this process step-by-step?

Well... this is that blueprint.

Just follow the worksheet and you will create a CV that is aligned with the company, highlighting only relevant aspects that the recruiter WANTS to read.

Create an action plan to target the right job (most job seekers fail because of themselves).

Make yourself irresistible using power bullets, intriguing the recruiter with mini-stories.

Generate your optimal CV Blueprint by filling in the blanks. It's painless CV writing.

Time investment: ca 2 hours.Worth: 22,95.

Secret CV Tools
Reverse-Engineered CV Reviewing Tools (PDF)

How about using the psychology of recruiters against them? You see… the recruiter DOESN’T CARE if you are the most qualified candidate. He just wants a SAFE CHOICE… Meaning…

Even with a less convincing background, you can outperform 98% of your competitors by writing your CV differently, writing only about what the recruiter cares about.

Almost all CVs I read are simply unimpressive… and it is not your fault. How can you possibly improve your CV when nobody is telling you what you are doing wrong?

Make your optimal first impression using these reverse-Engineered CV Reviewing Tools.

(Almost) Guarantee the job interview by writing your CV from a recruiters perspective.

Test if your CV works using clever metrics... giving you actionable feedback immediately.

Time investment: ca 45 minutes.Worth: 22,95.

Secret CV Tools
Extensive Real-Life CV Case Studies (PDF)

Would it help if you could look over my shoulder and see the exact changes I made to real CVs? Learn from real junior & senior CV examples which you can copy 1-on-1.

Get a feeling about how I investigate Job Descriptions, how I use my tactics and get the reasoning behind the changes I made.

Use these 3 extensive case studies in your favour. Scan through the candidates' background information and job application. Investigate the before & after CV and read why I changed what I changed. Even my own CV is included!

Time investment: ca 30 minutes.Worth: 15,95.

CV-Template is trusted by over 980275 users

This is what they say…
Brilliant CV perspective…
“Wouter — I’m so irritated by ‘experts’ that just repeat what I’ve been telling people since the beginning of time. Then there’s YOU. I’m going to keep this [CV/resume tips].
You have a GREAT perspective. Brilliant.

Reporter from Knoxville News Sentinel (and former recruiter)
Completely satisfied with my CV.
“I have read a couple of books on CV writing and read a lot of articles on the internet but this is the only course which is kind of a practical DIY toolkit. I have been trying to create my CV for the last few months and this is the only time I am completely satisfied

Manish Gupta, Business Intelligence specialist, Helsinki
“This is how a CV must look like” - Recruiters love it.
When I saw CV-Template the first time, I was surprised about how extensive and thoughtful the tool was. This is how a CV must look like, and if this tool was available 15 years ago, it would have made the lives of all those applicants a lot easier.

Taren Mohan, Experienced recruiter (18+ years)
“What a great deal”
People may not realise it, but even if you get the job only 1 day earlier, you have already quadrupled your investment. My new presentation also helped with salary negotiation, making it my best career investment ever.

MarkiLemmen, Business coach

Create Your Winning CV... Tonight

Just follow my EXACT STEPS and get that job in no-time

What a Knoxville/USA Today reporter said

“Wouter — I’m so irritated by ‘experts’ that just repeat what I’ve been telling people since the beginning of time. Then there’s YOU. I’m going to keep this [CV/resume tips].
You have a GREAT perspective. Brilliant.
“I have been trying to create my CV for the last few months and this is the only time I am completely satisfied”.

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